
Legal support for all family law cases

Areas of Practice



The end of a marriage is a highly emotional time. We guide our clients throughout the entire process, from start to settling matters after the divorce is final. We advise on how to deal with marital property, bank accounts, credit cards, and other marital assets. We provide detailed updates of the status of your case including all necessary steps to finalize the dispute. We handle the preparation and court filings of all paperwork involved, such as the summons and complaint, motions, and custody papers, as well as preparation of the final divorce and custody orders. We will be by your side as representation at all court hearings and your strongest advocate.


Mediation offers the ability to settle a dispute such as divorce or a post-judgement matter through our firm in order to avoid litigation in court. Our mediation process allows parties to negotiate issues through a third-party mediator with or without individual counsel. Mediation is a viable alternative to litigation and we are specially trained to resolving disputes to the mutual satisfaction of both parties.

child custody

We handle a wide variety of child custody related cases for both married and unmarried individuals. We will first meet with you to review the case and advise on how to best proceed. We will file all necessary paperwork, attend mediation sessions, attend hearings as your representative, interview witnesses, and work to provide the best possible outcome for you and your child(ren).

uNmarried couple disputes

Unmarried couples need guidance, representation and/or mediation to navigate and settle important family related disputes such as child custody, child support and division of certain jointly held assets.


Our office handles the legal act of changing a name from the one given at birth, adoption or through marriage. We can help start, process and complete the steps to change your name smoothly and as quickly as possible.

domestic violence

Domestic violence includes physical, sexual, psychological, and emotional abuse, as well as threats of violence or economic control. We know you are going through the hardest moments of your life and will be your side every step of the way.

Pre-Nuptial Agreements

For certain couples, a pre-nuptial agreement is a vital and necessary step as you prepare for marriage. Pre-nuptial agreements can be created to ensure family property stays within the family; to ensure that assets accumulated prior to marriage remain separate; to protect one party from assuming or becoming responsible for the debt of the other party; to determine how a party’s property will be distributed upon his/her death; to outline the financial rights of each party during the marriage; to determine support obligations in the event of a divorce; to avoid conflict or lengthy legal issues upon divorce. Our firm can advise you on the best way to prepare, process and sign a pre-nuptial agreement which will be binding upon both parties.

Please contact us with additional questions.